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Metrowide Duct Cleaning is one of the exclusive distributors of dryer vent alarms from DrySafer™. The revolutionary product can monitor the airflow of your clothes dryer and can warn you when there is some issue with it. This product is needed because every year, around 15,600 fires are caused due to clothes dryers. This results in 270 injuries and even 20 deaths every year. Our team can install a vent alarm on your dryer, allowing you to give us a call as soon as it goes off so that we can attend to any problem in a timely manner. We serve Toronto and the GTA. Call us today to buy a dryer vent alarm for a safer home.

What Causes Clogs?
Even if your dryer has a lint trap installed, the vents can still get clogged. Lint can get collected in the venting system of your appliance, where it poses as a potential fire hazard unless you make a timely intervention and get it cleaned.
Is It Time to Clean the Vents Yet?
After you purchase a DrySafer™ Dryer Vent Alarm from us, our team will come and install it behind the dryer. From there, it will monitor the airflow in the vents. As soon as it senses a problem, you will hear an alarm and a blinking LED light. Whenever this happens, be prepared as it’s time to call Metrowide Duct Cleaning for proper cleanup of your dryer’s air vents.

Save Some Money by Calling Us!
When your dryer's vents are clogged, the system will have to work harder and longer to achieve the desired performance. This puts the machine at risk of overheating and even catching fire. But, a dryer with clean vents and proper airflow can last a long. Contact our representatives today and ask about DrySafer™ Dryer Vent Alarm (patent pending).